Upcoming Events:
Merry Christmas
Friends and Brothers in Christ, we would be honored if you would join us for fellowship and to learn more about our fraternal community. Any practical Catholic man is welcome! Regular business meetings are held in the View Room on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM and are preceded by an informal fellowship dinner starting at 6:00 P.M. Dinner is a $10 donation, but your first visit is free! Please check this webpage for our calendar of events.
- Chris Ewing, Grand Knight, 2019-2020 -
Council Meetings
Join us for dinner!
We meet in the View Room

We accept dues and donations online (Click Here)
For your convenience, feel free to pay your yearly dues or donate to support our council's charitable work using PayPal
Donate to our Council at Holy Trinity Parish
Note on Dues transaction fee
Questions? Contact: zak.hall@att.net
Dues Assessment: $36.35
Special Assessment: 365 Club : $3.65 *
Special Assessment: Vocation Sponsor: $10.00 *
* Special assessments are recommended, not mandatory
if paying electronically, PayPal will assess an additional #2.42 in fees, or pay by check